Western MA training weekend

Last weekend, we had another CSU mountain weekend, this one out in western MA, where we joined forces with some of the Greylock team. We had excellent weather on Saturday, cool and dry and sunny, and then a little rain on Sunday, but not enough to mess with our plans. Because of the poor timing of finals this week, attendance was low - just Sonya, Elinor, and Laura - but the small size of the group gave us much more flexibility, which was nice. 

We started with a rollerski, on the rolling, well-paved, wide-shouldered roads of western MA and eastern NY. Did YOU ski across a state line last weekend?

Having a snack in the parking lot of a Stop and Shop... classy. Sonya was a fan of the fried chicken.

I swear, these kids aren't homeless.

It rained a bit on Saturday night, so we were very happy to change our camping plans from the Lanesboro campground to Rebecca Smith's summer dorm common room, at Williams.  Comfortable, safe, and most importantly, dry.

Found a swimming hole, prior to pizza for dinner and some fun word games.

Despite not staying at a campground, we managed to make a fire and have s'mores anyway.

Sunday, properly fueled by cold cereal eaten out of tupperwares, we all did a race at Mt. Greylock. There were two distances offered, 13.5mi and 5k. Laura wanted to do the full distance, but I convinced her that as a first-year J2 the 5k was a better fit. Elinor and Sonya and Rebecca did the long race, and braved the mud, hills, and rocks very well. Jakin, one of the Greylock skiers, also did the long race, and he beat me, which means I owe him ice cream, but they all had to leave before I got a chance to buy him ice cream! Next time. We all found said ice cream place before piling into the car for the drive home. All in all, an excellent weekend!

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