Western MA adventure weekend

Some of us headed to western MA last weekend for a change in scenery. I think it was a weekend well spent. Tyler, Emily, Ella, Linden, Elizabeth, and coach Alex and Emily's dad Jeff convened in Savoy for a rollerski, in some perfect weather. We were joined by coach Perry and his crew of Abby, Adam, Aiden, Ian, Brandy, and one other guy whose name I forgot already. It was a perfect day for rolling, bright and dry. Two crashes and a little blood, but no tears.

We don't have road shoulders like that where we come from. Or pavement like that.

Next stop was a swimming hole in Adams. Ian showed that he's a pro at flipping off of ledges, doing gainers, front flips, and some twists. Tyler, Ella, and Emily all tried flipping, and got the hang of it pretty quick. The water felt awesome after a hot ski.

We stayed the night in the yard of the Taylors, who live in Williamstown. Their son raced against Lewis back in the day, and they were some of the most generous hosts I've met. We had quite the hammock city going on, as well as a pile of tents. The Taylors have a sweet fire pit. We took advantage of it and had some s'mores!

But the day wasn't over yet... we took a short walk to the hill behind the Clark Art Institute, and after some exploration of the local trees (pretty good for climbing), we did some yoga. Very relaxing.

Our yoga venue was the top of this hill.

We got some pizza after the yoga, and the pizza place was perched next to a river. Second dip of the day!

Sunday dawned hotter, and we headed over to the east side of Mount Greylock for the Mt. Greylock trail race. There were two options: 13 miles, or 5k. Alex, Jeff, and Tyler did the 13 miler, and Emily, Ella, Linden, Elizabeth, Linden's mom, and Elizabeth's parents all did the 5k. As far as I know, everyone survived, and there were no tears. Then we got ice cream, and headed back to the land of traffic and narrow roads.

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