Report from Last Sunday's Tour de South Lincoln and Weston (with photos)

Brian Telfer (dad of CSUer Kevin Telfer) passed along the following report and photos from last Sunday's Tour de South Lincoln and Weston. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun on a challenging course!

For Sunday's long run, the Tour de South Lincoln and Weston, we had about 11 people, including parents. Most ran the full 11 miles, a few ran 7 miles, and a middle-schooler ran 3 or 4. The athletes in front were quite good with the map. That group came close to following the entire route perfectly, but did have one wrong turn that led to a bonus 0.5 mile for them. 
Afterward, most of us hung out at the Telfer house for bagels and watermelon and drinks. We were impressed by how much the athletes ate! It was nice to have some gemütlichkeit (what's the Danish word that Rob uses for that?).
Everyone enjoyed the roots and boggy bits and boardwalks and confusing trail junctions. Stay tuned for a repeat later in the summer!
Here are some photos:

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